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About Us

Pre-school Sessions for children aged from 2 - 5 years.
We run 8 pre-school sessions, every week in accordance with the main school term time.

Monday:     9am - 12 noon
                     12 - 3pm (our popular 'school starter' session, including PE for children who will enter reception the                           following Sept.)


Tuesday:    9am - 12 noon
                     12 - 3pm


Wednesday: 9am - 12 noon

Thursday:   9am - 12 noon
                     12 - 3pm

Friday:      9am - 12noon

Please note: Afternoon sessions include time for lunch, so if your child attends all day, or an afternoon session only, please provide them with a packed lunch. 

If you are interested in registering your child to start at pre-school please call us on
07963134008, use the Contact Us page to send us a message or download and complete the forms on the Registration page.

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