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A Typical Day

9 am: Children arrive at the setting


9.10 am: Register time to say Good morning to all our friends


9.15 am: Free flow play indoors and outside


10.10 am: Tidy up time


10.15 am: Carpet time and song time


10.30 am: Snack time


10.50 am: Free flow play indoor and outdoor


11.45 am: Tidy up


11.50 am: Story time


12 pm: lunch or home time


12.30 pm: Free flow play indoor and outdoor


2 pm: Rolling snack


2.40 pm: tidy up


2.45 pm: Story time


2.55 pm: Goodbye song


3.00 pm: Home time



Every 4 weeks on a Monday we have a mobile library visit the setting.


Monday: pm is the school starters session at 1.30pm P.E Time in Badger Hill Primary school Hall.


Tuesday: 1pm is an adult led Song time.


Wednesday: 9.30am – 10.30am is outdoor learning session based around forest schooling.


Thursday: 11.15am is Yoga with Cosmic Kids.

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